Stay Focused.

Hey guys! Alright, so typically I try to focus on me, myself and I when it comes to my training. I don’t think about what anyone else is doing, saying or thinking. Its a waste of time to put in the effort to care about that kind of stuff. But these past couple weeks my competitive side has gotten the best of me and I started to push my body wayyyyyy too hard. I started to get stupid minor injuries that weren’t necessary and only making me frustrated. Finally after clearing my head and talking with my trainer I have gotten back into my focused mindset and am ready to dominate these next 4 weeks before my competition!

There are two videos, because I’m not tech savvy annnnnd for some reason my computer doesn’t have iMovie so I couldn’t merge them. Oh wellll anyway, enjoy!! Comments and questions are ALWAYS welcome. Stay strong guys!

Peanut Butter Cup Lovin’


Now if your life me then you are a peanut butter cup loveeerrrrrrrr.

If there is one thing that is constantly a battle with my new way of eating, its my persistent sweet tooth! But I try to trick it with sweet things that have a healthy low carb twist to them. Today while I had a lot of time to get things done at home I decided try and make some peanut butter cups!

And let me tell you! They turned out to be pretttttty good if I do say so myself 😉

They are of course VERY easy to make with only 3…count them 3! ingredients.



-Dark Chocolate (I used 90 % Cacoa by Lindt chocolate–has less carbs)

-almond milk

Heres the recipe

Serving size is for 6 larger peanut butter cups in a muffin tins

-Butter your muffin tin

-Take half of your chocolate bar (should be about 4-5 squares) and put in a small pot with some almond milk. Stir while chocolate melts and add more almond milk if needed so that chocolate is liquified.

-Pour chocolate into in the bottom of each muffin tin filling a quarter of the way.

-Pop the tin in the freezer until chocolate is hard

-After chocolate is hard take your PB2 and scoop our 6 tablespoons into a bowl.

-Add in some water and almond milk till its smooth and liquified. Then pour on top of the chocolate and pop it back into the freezer for another 10-15 mins

-Take the rest of your chocolate and melt it the same way you melted the first half. Then take the tin out of the freezer, pour the rest of the chocolate on top of your cups, and pop them back into the freezer for about 30 mins.

-When cups are hard take a knife and pop the cups out of the tin, throw them into a baggie and store them into the freezer!

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Puttin’ my Big Girl Pants on.

   Hiya guys! Today is NOT going to be another lazy day for me! I’m puttin my big girl pants on and keeping myself busy today. No I don’t have work today, but my throwers that I coach do have a novice track meet this evening that I am VERY excited for! Its been a while since I’v been to a track meet, and I definitely miss going to them. To get out of the house before that, my friend and I are going to an early movie! I love love movies…who doesn’t?! My friend and I used to have what we call “special lady days” all the time over the summer when we had more time. Now with us both being super busy, it’s hard to find times for when we are both free, but when we do, it now makes “special lady days” EXTRA special and exciting!! 



      After all is said and done, I have my 2nd training session with Rob and I am super pumped!! I’m making sure I get enough protein and fats today to prepare for it. That being said, I had a BIG GIRL breakfast. A little bacon and egg action, and a couple slices of cheddar cheese on top of the eggs for some extra pazaze! 




New Chapter

   This week I start a new chapter in my life. After have been regularly lifting for the past 14 weeks and feeling stronger by the day, I now take a turn and start working out towards something. Before, I was lifting to change my body into a body that I would love. Now I’m lifting to gain strength and to bring my competitive side back! I’v have truly missed being a part of something athletic wise. Growing up I always played some sort of sport. And in college I played rugby and threw for track and field. Throwing was always a passion of mine since my freshmen year in high school, and that was originally one of my goals at the beginning of my lifting plan. Get strong so I can throw farther and compete at a higher level. But things change, life changes, and my passion is included in that. Now I will always and forever love and be passionate about throwing. But these days, lifting is my new passion.


         I take all my stress, all my emotions, anger, frustrations, anything I’m feeling that day, I take it out on lifting. I leave it all in the gym and walk away feeling cleansed. These days I’m pushing myself to new heights to start competing in Strongwoman competitions. To take what I’ve accomplished so far, keep working, and then put it all to the test! I’m beyond excited to start training for this!! With the help from my new trainer Rob, who has competed in Strongman competitions, I know when the time comes I will be prepared and stronger than ever!


        Of course I know this isn’t going to be easy at all, most definitely will it be full of hard work and dedication, which I am totally prepared for. Currently I am already in the process of changing my diet to carb backloading.  This way I can get leaner, maintain my strength, and keep building muscle. Basically you go through a 10 day recalibration phase of eating 30 or less grams of carbs a day, which means you end up eating mainly proteins and fats. Then on the 10th day after your have a resistance workout (try to workout between 5 and 6pm) have your protien and then have whatever carbs you want until bedtime. Pizza, ice-cream, and all that yummy stuff you couldn’t eat during those 10 days! And with this diet you want to keep it so that the carbs you inhale on your carb nights are the greasy bad carbs you usually try to stay away from on other diets. No brown rice or sweet potatoes here! Check out the link and see why!


     For me I am on day 7 of my recalibration phase, and I CAN’T WAIT TO EAT CARBS ON CARBS ON CARBS ON FRIDAY!! I have been dreaming of cheesecake and pizza! With so many temptations everywhere this has definitely been a challenge! I have done a lot of different kinds of diets before, including a low carb diet, but I have never been this strict about it before. I’m on a mission and no carb is going to get in the way of that! But I’ll go into that more later, including pictures of some of my meals that I have been eating while on my no/low carb diet! And some progress pictures, even though I am always nervous to show whoever looks at this those things. But I figure, this blog is for myself and pictures help me see that all my hard work pays off!


    If you are following along with my journey and have any questions or comments, I always love feedback!