Forget the Past, Live in the Moment.

Good morning!

Last night I hit a pretty big realization which just motivated me to the max. What I most realized was that I had probably one of the best cardio work outs on my own that I’ve had in a loooooong time. And that was mostly due to the fact that my other cardio day this past week was complete crap. I made excuses after excuse that day, “my legs were tired from my leg day Monday”, “It’s snowing really bad out and I shouldn’t stay long”, “Well I did this many sprints, sooo that should do the trick”. GRRR just thinking about it makes me so mad!

I’m not one to not put my whole effort into things anymore. That was the old me, and it made me so mad that I let the old me slip in and make excuse after excuse to make myself feel better about the situation. The main reason why I’m frustrated is because my trainer gave me a goal weight to hit by February 14, which I know I can do! But if I continue to have crappy cardio days like that, then someone might as well hand me a donut because it just won’t happen…(I have donuts on the brain because tonight is my card night 🙂 !)

But thats why last night I knew that I needed to forget about Tuesday, I can’t change what happened, and hey I slipped up it happens. BUT NO MORE! I woke up yesterday on a mission, a mission to kick my own butt harder than I’v ever before!

I focused on my eating, went to work, then on my way from work I was off to the gym. I snacked on some sunflower seeds to get a little energy kick. Mind you, my drive from work to my gym is about 35-40 mins depending on traffic, and usually I can time my eating before workout out right. But anyway, I put my motivation cap on, put my handy dandy Polar Watch on so I could keep track of calories, and off I went!

I first attacked the rowing machine because treadmills were all taken, (I do HIIT [High intensity interval training] on all the machines I use). Then I ran over to a treadmill, when I saw it was freed up! SCORE! Now we can get this party started with some sprints! Whelp, as soon as I started going, I got a major you didn’t digest those stupid sunflower seeds you just ate cramp! I tried to keep sprinting through it, but it was useless. Beyond frustrated I knew I had to switch gears. This was NOT going to stop me, NO excuses here!

I decided to kick my butt in other ways…I did HIIT on the stationary bike and battle ropes. Did some ab work then light arm work. Then went back over and did more battle ropes and decided to finish with some HIIT on the stair master (which by the way, as much as I love that burning feeling, the stair master is the devil).

After an hour and a half I believe I was successful and it felt great! I got in a nice stretch afterwards, went home, had some isopure, ate dinner, and was lights out at 10:00.

Basically, we just have to remember that you can’t change the past, so why dwell on it?? Why waste all that time when you can enjoy the present moment? We never know how many present moments we are going to have (morbid, I know) so make them meaningful!

Oh by the way, I’m off from work today so……I’ll be back. 😉

Peanut Butter Cup Lovin’


Now if your life me then you are a peanut butter cup loveeerrrrrrrr.

If there is one thing that is constantly a battle with my new way of eating, its my persistent sweet tooth! But I try to trick it with sweet things that have a healthy low carb twist to them. Today while I had a lot of time to get things done at home I decided try and make some peanut butter cups!

And let me tell you! They turned out to be pretttttty good if I do say so myself 😉

They are of course VERY easy to make with only 3…count them 3! ingredients.



-Dark Chocolate (I used 90 % Cacoa by Lindt chocolate–has less carbs)

-almond milk

Heres the recipe

Serving size is for 6 larger peanut butter cups in a muffin tins

-Butter your muffin tin

-Take half of your chocolate bar (should be about 4-5 squares) and put in a small pot with some almond milk. Stir while chocolate melts and add more almond milk if needed so that chocolate is liquified.

-Pour chocolate into in the bottom of each muffin tin filling a quarter of the way.

-Pop the tin in the freezer until chocolate is hard

-After chocolate is hard take your PB2 and scoop our 6 tablespoons into a bowl.

-Add in some water and almond milk till its smooth and liquified. Then pour on top of the chocolate and pop it back into the freezer for another 10-15 mins

-Take the rest of your chocolate and melt it the same way you melted the first half. Then take the tin out of the freezer, pour the rest of the chocolate on top of your cups, and pop them back into the freezer for about 30 mins.

-When cups are hard take a knife and pop the cups out of the tin, throw them into a baggie and store them into the freezer!

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Love Yourself.

Hello Hello!

Last week and these past couple days have been a huge realization to me of how much I have grown. More specially, how much I have grown to love myself. I’m not saying I ever hated who I was, but I was definitely one of those girls in high school who would be in awe of other people and wish I had something they had. Whether it be their hair, their body, their humor, their ability to talk to a guy and charm them immediately. You get the point.

I did A LOT of growing through high school and mostly through college. In college where there are no groups, cliques, or identities, you are your own little person in a new world. Some people will say college is a place where you can redefine yourself and start over. I didn’t want to start over. I just wanted to (as cliche as this is) find myself. When I say that, what I mean is, I wanted to be able to be as comfortable around everyone I meet, as I am when I’m around my friends, and not be a shy quiet girl anymore.

I don’t think it was until my sophomore year of college when I started to not care. I didn’t care what people thought about me, and my shyness shell slowly started to crack. I basically found this new thing called confidence. I was like that little raptor dinosaur in Jurassic Park that Sam Neil watched break out of its shell all on its own.

Now I can’t say I did this all on my own. At that time I was starting to endure on something that would ultimately change who I was from then on. Nothing huge (for most people) , just my very first actual long term relationship. Going into sophomore year my and me boyfriend had been dating for about 7 months at that point. In my “About Me” section, I had only explained a small part of my break up, and for you to understand my whole story, I feel its necessary for you to hear my beginning…(Also because its snowing so I have A LOT of time tonight…LUCK YOU! 😉 )

My relationship with my boyfriend was a HUGE roller coaster ride. Of course it started off steady and it was the “getting to know you” period. Meeting each others families and take everything at a nice slow pace. Because I was shy I really didn’t let him see who I truly was till about a year and a half into dating. And he was very patient and kind about that.  He grew to become my best friend. We loved the same movies, listen to pretty much the same music, loved the same sport, lived 15 mins away from each other (which was weird since we met at school in New Hampshire 2 1/2 hours from home). We had the same humor and even grew comfortable enough to fart around each other. I have honestly never felt THAT comfortable around someone, where you could share a silence and it never be uncomfortable.

He opened me up and let me feel  every emotion…loved, happy, and beautiful…But of course when I say every emotion..I mean EVEY emotion. I also felt pain, anger, and disgust. As perfect and amazing as our connection was, our relationship was farrrrr from perfect. I was a victim to being in a relationship where there was no trust. Now as for how he caused the pain and hurt I am going to keep to myself (but don’t worry it wasn’t psychical abuse, he would never hurt a fly). But I had become one of those girls who didn’t get out of a relationship because they “didn’t want to be alone” or because “the connection was there and they belonged together” and “afraid they aren’t going to find anyone else”! I used to think those girls were crazy and why would they stay in a relationship where they weren’t happy, didn’t trust their boyfriend, and crying more than smiling!?! And now I know.

It had gotten to the point of where even the littlest thing would set me off, because I just couldn’t let go of all of what he had done to me through our time of dating. It was like every time we would have a fight it would get worse and worse like a snowball affect. I drove myself crazy, and when the trust isn’t there, thats what happens. Once one thing happens where the trust flies out the window, theres no getting it back. And as much as I tried to not accept it, it was true. I held on to that relationship for four years…four years, of being a weak girl who was in this spell of wanting something so badly to work out, that she would keep torturing herself by accepting and forgiving the pain that he caused her. Then try and move on and keep going with the relationship.But it inevtiable that this HAD to stop. This relationship had become far from healthy.

And so last December thats exactly what happened. After starting our weight loss journey together, he broke up with me. After hearing that he didn’t love me and maybe after four years never did, I can tell you right now I have never felt anything like what I felt that day…Orrr for the next 5 months that would follow for that matter. And by no means do I EVER want to feel that way again. But I’ll admit, as much as I cared for him for those past 4 years the only time I felt like I really loved him was maybe for a little less than a year. It wasn’t real love, and I know that. How could you when it’s that same person who broke your heart over and over again??

Now I shall try and wrap this up, because this is getting sappy and sympathetic and the last thing I am looking for is sympathy! A little over a year later I am here, still growing, but truly happy, healthy, and single. Last year, if you told me that I’d be where I am not doing what I’m doing (which most of the people who I’m close with did tell me at that point) I’d never believe it! But honestly, when your at your toughest times you CAN overcome all! I honestly didn’t think I’d ever recover after my breakup (as stupid and girly as that sounds). I was severely depressed and HATED myself. I thought I was the ugliest person who no one would EVER want to date. I mean sitting in the Khols fitting room crying while out shopping with my mom. Not being able to listen to a love song or watch a romance movie without sobbing through the whole thing. But with the encouragement and help from my family, close friends, and a little voice inside of me, I am who I am today. And after crying so much, that I’m pretty sure my tear ducts are now dry… I knew that I NEEDED to move on.

I will be posting other posts of how I did that part exactly, but lifting was definitely a large part of that. And all I’m saying is that right now I’m proud of myself and truly LOVE myself. I love the path I’m on and the focus I have gained. I love being single and letting myself accomplish so many goals and continuing to accomplish more. I’m learning who I am and what I can do. I am so much stronger inside and out and know that I will NEVER EVER EVER allow a guy to treat me like that. Do I regret my relationship? Never. It let me grow to become stronger, and let me know what it is that I want and don’t want within a relationship. I take every experience I go through and now make a decision that is best for me, because after all, this is MY life..and I’m going to fearlessly live it how I want to. I am now confident in myself, more so than before. I’m no longer meek and unsure. The best thing you can do is to love yourself, before you allow someone else to do you. Because riddle me this…How can you even truly love someone else or let them love you, if you don’t love you?? Be confident in who you are and know that you are smart, beautiful, and Independent person who can and will conquer all! p>

Welp, I need to give my fingers a rest. And will be back with some recipes later! 🙂

And So it Begins!

Yesterday I had my first training session with Strongman equipment! At first sight it is definitely intimating. I mean going from a regular 45 lb barbell to a thick 65lb bar with a barrel in your face, your bound to be a little intimidated. But after my trainer went over the motions of how to do each step, I slow yet surly became more and more conformable with it.

I’m about to get all metaphorical on you guys right now, but I definitely see that training session as a step to getting out of my comfort zone not only in training sessions, but in life too. Going from seeing something that intimidates you and that your not comfortable with, to take baby steps and realizing that not only can you do this, but that you really enjoy it (which is a good thing too since it’s only just the beginning 😉 )! Why stay in a box of comfort your whole life, when there is SOOOOOO much more out there. And maybe even things that you could potentially love, but will NEVER know until you break that box and take a leap.

This is what I see my whole journey as. Yes I have been lifting since age 14, so what I’m doing may seen relevant to the thing that I am training to do. But, so far for me, it’s been a completely different lifting world than what I’m used to. This challenges me and pushes me mentally and physically every single day. Learning new things can be scary, but it can also be exhilarating, which is how my journey has been so far. Trying new things and pushing yourself is definitely something that I highly suggest everyone do, even maybe just once a week!

Anywayyyyyyy I have a video! Of me training with the log press yesterday (and my workout outfit just so happen to coordinate with the log press and weight colors 😀 )

Check it out on my youtube or my instagram page (this will hopefully be the first of many)

Today I end with another easy low carb (practically carb free) meal! And progress pics!

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Who needs a carby flour tortilla when you can have this colorful fiesta in your mouth!! Just some….

-ground beef with some taco seasoning (from a packet, use as much or as little as you want just check the nutrition facts on the bad so see what the carbs are)

-Half an avocado

-Monterey jack cheese

-Lime juice

-A little bit of habanero pepper (Side note, use real hot peppers instead of hot sauce. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE my Franks Red Hot, but it tastes fresher with real peppers!)

-And lastly some cilantro.

And now for some progress pics! image-76 image-75 image-74 image-70 image-69 image-68 image-62



Preparation is Key!

Goooooood Morning!

  Today we shall focus on being prepared when it comes to dinning out options.

First, twice this week I will be having dinner out… aka not prepared by yours truly…aka menus filled with the overwhelming amount of carbs! But no need to fear, there are ways to go about this without feeling the dread of the possibilities of those sneaky carbs getting into your “clean” meal!

Numero Uno! Find out where you will be dining. This way you can look up the restaurant and know what kind of cuisine they serve. Along with checking out their menu to see what options you have to pick from. Tonight I will be going to a pub type place, which I’m a huge fan of because pubs tend to always have a variety of options of their menu. You can get a burger and hold the bun and add your own carb free/ low carb toppings, with a vegetable side (tell waiter/waitress NO FRIES pretty please and get a substitute, that way they aren’t just sitting there staring at you and tempting you). Or if you want fries and only want like 2, to try them, then have two and IMMEDIATELY throw something gross on them so you won’t eat anymore!

Numero Dos! WATCH OUT FOR THE “LOW CARB” MENU OPTIONS! It may say low carb, but if you doing carb night and have a VERY limited amount of carbs you can eat during the day, then look closely, because in reality its not carb night low carb. Just because they remove the bun and add a lettuce leaf instead, doesn’t immediately make it low carb. You gotta watch out for those onions, tomatoes, and other carb loaded toppings! Restaurants are usually good about adjusting the meal to fit your needs, so don’t be afraid to ask if you can eliminate and add things.

Number Tres! Get a gooooood workout in! Today I have a cardio workout, and not that I’m a slacker when it comes to doing workouts when I don’t go out to eat, but I like to just kick it up a notch. I always go hard at the gym no matter what day it is, but if I know I am going to go out to eat and if there is a chance that sneaky carbs get in, then I go bigger and harder during my workout. Adding extra sets, extra minutes, extra sweat.

And last but not least, if you know your going to be going out to eat, and it’s not impromptu, then plan your day. Plan out what your going to be eating through the whole day, so that you know when dinner comes you have extra carbs to use at dinner …just in case. And if it is impromptu, and you have smart phone, and you  have the myfitnesspal app, then while your looking at the menu take your time by checking eat ingredient in the meal your interested in to make sure it fits your diet! And if you don’t have the myfitnesspal app THEN GET IT!!! IT’S A LIFE SAVER!

Basically when going out to eat, check out the menu and find something you would like that follows your diet plan before your get there, don’t be fooled by the “low carb” menu option, get a good workout in prior to, and lastly plan out your day! All simple things!

Now I wanted to put up a quick recipe!

Dark Chocolate Black Raspberry Sneed Bars

These high fiber and low carb gluten free bars are great for keeping in your fridge, and grabbing to go when in your in a hurry! I have been eating them before workouts to get some of the carbs that I need to get fueled. And because some of the carbed ingredients contain fiber as well, that cancels out the carbs and makes it low carb! It’s like magic! And the best part is, it only takes like 5 mins to make!! LOVE IT.

 This recipe should make 12 muffins (or in my case because I couldn’t find my muffin tin, I made 12 bars)

-100g. almonds

-50g. sunflower seeds

-50g. sesame seeds

-50g. flax seeds

-50g. pumpkin seeds

-1 handful of blackberries

-50g. of dark chocolate (yuuum)

-1tsp sea salt

-1/4 cup of oil (olive or sunflower)

-3 eggs

preheat oven to 390 degrees F. Chop the almonds and dark chocolate coarsely. Mix together almonds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, blackberries, chocolate, and salt. Add in the oil and then the eggs and mix well. Pour mixture into nonstick muffin tins (or baking dish) and bake in the oven for about 15 mins. Allow to cool and store in the fridge in an airtight container.

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Head, shoulders, back, and legs, back and legs.

New Progress pics time!!

     Lately I have been so focused on what my goal is, I don’t even think about cheating on my diet or skipping out on a workout. I have no excuse to do so. The other day I was driving home from work and passed a McDonalds, and thought to myself “imagine if you caved in and had some chicken nuggets??” Just the thought about having fast food and ruining what I’v worked so hard for makes me sick to my stomach! Cheating on my diet is NOT even an option for me! I have gotten to the point where when I see a temptation I kick it in the shins and walk away!

      I literally plan my life around my gym time. If someone asks me to do something or if I have work, my first thought is, “ok well if I go to the gym at this time then that can work!”. If your a busy bee like I am sometimes, you can take 30 minutes or even 20 minutes out of you day to get some exercise in! Go for a walk! Get up off your couch…DO SOMETHING! This will also just help you clear your head, get the stress out, take the world off your shoulders. Believe me, yesterday I had work at night, so during the day I was cleaning, eating, and watching TV. Damn Dance Moms got me carried away and before I knew it I had work in less than 2 hours! Thank goodness yesterday was cardio and ab day, I ran to the gym busted out a 45 min workout and felt awesome and accomplished afterwards!

    You can make it work!

       I have also gotten to the point in my carbnight diet where, I am not craving carbs. I didn’t even realize till a little bit after waking up that tonight is my carb night! I have gotten so used to eating low carb and loving it that it doesn’t even phase me for when my carb night arrives…Such a drastic difference from when I first started carbnight. Don’t get me wrong I still love my carbs and love having some cheat meals, but it’s the fact that I also love eating clean and seeing the results that I work hard for!

Ok time for some progress pics!

Left picture is from October when I was starting to lift and eat somewhat clean. The top is from last week and the bottom is from this morning :-)

Left picture is from October when I was starting to lift and eat somewhat clean. The top is from last week and the bottom is from this morning 🙂

My shoulders are my weakest point. The to image is from October and the bottom is from this morning. You can see my strength growing in my shoulders and my traps.

My shoulders are my weakest point. The to image is from October and the bottom is from this morning. You can see my strength growing in my shoulders and my traps.

Legggssss. The left two photos are from December when I started to really train harrrd. I mean every leg workout I had I was DYING and sweating all over the place feeling that deep burn. Which is why my legs now look like the right photo taken two days ago!

Legggssss. The left two photos are from December when I started to really train harrrd. I mean every leg workout I had I was DYING and sweating all over the place feeling that deep burn. Which is why my legs now look like the right photo taken two days ago!

It Ain’t easy bein’ Peasy

c7eda4083f15e79793a85d958988ee9eEllo ello!

          Recently my mom has gotten into baking things…things  like brownies, cookies, and bread. Aka everything I CAN’T eat. And I know some people are probably like, this is why diets are stupid, just enjoy life and eat it! But for me I consider that taking the “easy route”and I knew from the beginning that I didn’t sign up for easy. Unless you have done carb night before or understand bodybuilding diets a lot of people don’t understand why I am eating like I am. And believe me, sometimes (when I am craving something that I can’t eat normal) I think to myself, “why am I doing this??” and “will this really make a difference if I have just a small amount?” and other thoughts like that. But then I have to remind myself that its JUST food. Food you can have when you have reached your goal.

When I look at something delicious that isn’t a part of my diet I think, “ok, was this cooked by a world renowned chef? Is this something that won’t ever come by way again?” If the answer to both those questions are no, then it’s not worth it to eat and jeopardize how far I have come.

Now this is definitely easier said than done. Especially when you have these guys just sitting on your kitchen table!

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But again, they are nothing special (not that my mom doesn’t know how to cook some mean brownies, cookies, and jalapeño cornbread….because she does) they are something that I will always have access to…well unless something tramatic happens, like all the chocolate in the world burns to a crips! But, you get what I mean. And with the diet that I’m on, it allows me to enjoy and really savor delicious treats like these once a week.

And I do get the “a little bit won’t kill you” from people or the “its [instert occasion or holiday here]!” But what most people don’t understand about me is that I also used to make those excuses. Saying “well it’s so and so’s birthday so its ok!” Or “it’s flag day so it’s ok to eat this and that!” But all these things add up. And if I give in one time, then I get the taste of what I’v missed out on and will want more. There will always be obstacles and temptations, but if you are really serious you have to learn to say NO! You have to understand that what you feed your body does matter, and if you start to give into a little temptation then you might start to go down a bad path allow other temptations and obstacles to run you over.

Carb night really took some time to get used to, and to learn about the foods that have carbs that I can’t have, and the ones that have carbs AND fiber which cancel out the carbs, like avocados. It pushed me to get more creative with what I eat, especially since I am one who is all for easy meals. I try to add flavor in more simplistic ways. It has also forced me to eat at home and cook pretty much 99% of my meals. I honestly can’t even remember the last time I went out to eat when it wasn’t a carb night (definitely saving me a lot of money). And this is because not knowing what exactly is in my food when I’m not cooking it raises too many questions and thoughts of, “what if there are carbs in my meal that I don’t know about?” and “how much of said ingredient did they use so that I can calculate it into myfitnesspal?”. It just makes it ten times easier if I prepare and make the meal all on my own. That way I know for sure what goes into it, and how much of something goes into it and can get the results I’m looking for without raising implications.

My advice for anyone who wants to do carb night….Know that this won’t be easy, but you will surely get used to it! Don’t let food control you, control your food and don’t be afraid to say no! And lastly, make your own meals, it might take some time to learn what foods have carbs and what foods have carbs and fiber, but once you get it, it will save you money, and in the end you’ll be much happier when you see the results come in!


Hey guys! I took a new progress picture yesterday and wanted to share! I also have a picture from when I first started my weight loss adventure about a year ago! NO JUDGING HERE! I, along with a lot of other girls, used to be embarrassed to say what my weight was out loud. But with where I am right now stronger inside and out, I don’t care anymore! This is MY journey and MY blog and I am here to be completely 100% honest with myself. If I’m not honest with myself then it will only be that much harder to achieve my goals! So here we go…

 In the top picture  I weighed a gross 250 lbs and in the newest progress pic I am down to 216! I am a tall girl so my weight (from what doctors have told me) should be around 180.  But for me, I’m not aiming for a specific number, I’m aiming for more so a specific body type. Which is strong, muscular definition (and no not to look like a man!) and lean. When your lifting it is very important to not weigh yourself on the scale constantly! Your body will be changing and turning that fat to lean muscle which is what mine started to do. Before I started carb night and just tried to eat cleanish I kept weighing myself and getting discouraged because the scale wasn’t going down…but yet I noticed I was getting leaner. Then it hit me. I was gaining muscle! I was loosing inches, but not lbs. Instead of weighing yourself, try measuring yourself! You definitely see a difference!

I started off with eating low carb, doing cardio, and some lifting. I now do carb night, lift heavy, with cardio 2 or 3 days a week,  and train 5-6 out of 7 days a week. I didn’t do any crazy crash diet here. I was patient with this whole thing (as much as I didn’t want to be!). I keep my lean proteins, green veggies like spinach asparagus, kale, and mixed greens in my diet. I changed my fats from eating cheeses to eating a little bit of cheese and getting my fats from avocados, coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, and seeds, AND LOTS OF WATER. As long as you eat clean and train hard theres no need for diet pills or crash diets! Your only hurting your body!!

A lot of my fat as turned to lean muscle mass which I am pumped about! I feel great, and super motivated now that the holidays are over…aka no more distractions by delicious holiday foods!

I shall get to it now!


250 lbs ugh I hate this pic.

250 lbs ugh I hate this pic.

And heres my current pics!

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Catching up.

Hello all!

Ok we have some catching up to do. Lets see when I last left off was my first carb night. I most definitely went overboard with the amount I ate that night. I was pumped to get back to eating healthy and cutting the crap out again and training hard. My next carb night I had was wayyyyyy more controlled and I felt a million times better the next  morning!

That time I had BBQ pulled beef, mashed potatoes, and carrots for a traditional dinner. Then over an hour later I had one chocolate chip pancake. Then an hour or so after that I had 3 peanut butter cookies. Got some better sleep that night than the first time, and the next morning I felt tight and not bloated!! I was sooo excited!

heaven on a plate

heaven on a plate

for some reason I always crave pancakes when keeping it low carb.

for some reason I always crave pancakes when keeping it low carb.

happy Keeley!

happy Keeley!

After that night I had a week of training and then I would be off to Seattle for the holidays. This made me verrrrry nervous. I was just getting the hang of carb night, and now all those delicious holiday treats and wholesome carb filled foods that you devour to the extreme one time out of the year was fast approaching. I told myself I wouldn’t fall for it! I would stay dedicated and not go back to those old ways.

That week came and went, and in the middle of the week I made the executive decision that I was going to enjoy myself. And that doesn’t mean eat like complete sh*t. That means that I would portion my meals out and eat what I wanted in a controlled amount. I knew just from that one week I wouldn’t gain back a boat of lbs. But I also knew that while on vacation I wanted to spend it relaxing with my family, working out, and not counting every little thing that I eat. I have been eating clean enough for a while to know what a good portion amount for me is. But I also knew that upon returning I would just have to keep working my butt off.

And thats just what I did.






freshest shrimp I've ever had!

freshest shrimp I’ve ever had!

I’v been back on the low carb eating until tomorrow (my next carb night) and working hard in the gym. I decided to push my carb night back a couple days to fully recover from vacation. Even through New Years Eve My friends and I had a low key  nights where I had two drinks (which were no carbs) and raw tacos on a lettuce leaf. The next day I wanted to be nice and well rested to kick off my new year with a squat and leg day!!!

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Christmas gift

Christmas gift


New PR in the sled

NP in the sled

Oh and I got to use my new lifting shoes and lever belt that I got as Christmas gifts!!


Gifts that I got from one of my closest friends! She's the besssst!

Gifts that I got from one of my closest friends! She’s the besssst!

Ok and now, last but not least! I have a couple progress pictures from this past fall and winter. I am really excited about this because it just continues to show how far I’ve come! And even if I get a little discouraged if I’m not dropping a certain amount of weight at a certain pace, this just goes to show that when you work hard and consistently lift (with some cardio of course)  lean muscle really takes over fat and does its thing. I will leave you with those progress pics and that is all for now! I will try and be better about posting more often as the progress continues!


left side is not flexing and the right side is flexing.


Puttin’ my Big Girl Pants on.

   Hiya guys! Today is NOT going to be another lazy day for me! I’m puttin my big girl pants on and keeping myself busy today. No I don’t have work today, but my throwers that I coach do have a novice track meet this evening that I am VERY excited for! Its been a while since I’v been to a track meet, and I definitely miss going to them. To get out of the house before that, my friend and I are going to an early movie! I love love movies…who doesn’t?! My friend and I used to have what we call “special lady days” all the time over the summer when we had more time. Now with us both being super busy, it’s hard to find times for when we are both free, but when we do, it now makes “special lady days” EXTRA special and exciting!! 



      After all is said and done, I have my 2nd training session with Rob and I am super pumped!! I’m making sure I get enough protein and fats today to prepare for it. That being said, I had a BIG GIRL breakfast. A little bacon and egg action, and a couple slices of cheddar cheese on top of the eggs for some extra pazaze!