
Hey Der.

Hey Der.


Why hello there! Now I will try and keep this short and sweet, but I’m not making any promises because I tend to get a little carried away in details.

      I am currently in my twenties and molding myself everyday into the person “I want to become”. Which to me, is a funny saying, since I believe I will never become a certain kind of person. I change what I like, what I don’t like, what I want to do, and what I don’t want to do day by day. This is why I could never get a tattoo :-P. But anyway, currently I work at 3 different places, (adidas, a photography studio, and I coach track) but I tend to plan my “free time” around my gym time. My goals have been changing a lot through this past year. I started off wanting to ultimatley be a competitor in the olympics for throwing in track and field. I know this a goal everybody and anybody whose and athlete dreams of, and I tend to be a big dreamer (which is never a bad thing!). With that after being out of college for about 6 months and not training for a while (and pretty much being in the worst shape of my life) me and my boyfriend at the time (also a thrower) decided to dig deep and start training.

            Well as my mind changes so does life, and I hit a not just a bump in the road, but a mountain in the road as far as my emotions went. My first major breakup. Me and my boyfriend at the time split after 4 years of dating, losing a boyfriend, best friend, workout buddy, throwing buddy, etc. is definitely not easy. We tried to stay friends and keep working out together, but it was inevitable that we NEEDED space from each other, or I would never get my emotions and head back on straight. So, after 6 months of being in depths of depression and thinking the absolute worst of myself, and I mean sitting in a fitting room at khols crying from how ugly and gross I thought I was when shopping with my mom kinda thing, a couple things happened in my life that made me realize, I love myself and someday (hopefully soon haha) someone else will love me (really love me) too! What were those something else’s you ask? Welp, other people! Meeting new people… and… creating new experiences, shall we say, opened my mind to knowing that this is not the end of the world. That my ex is not the only guy in the world! My family and friends were also a hugh influence in me bouncing back. My brother in inparticular came home from Seattle at the perfect time and gave me advice. He told me that you need to love yourself before you can love someone else. Something that has really stuck with me and fully changed my thought process on life. Along with, cutting fear completely out of my life. Why let fear hold you back?? Live and do what YOU want to do, and once you let go and cut the fear, especially the fear of being alone and fearing that you won’t find someone else, you will feel completely liberated! I wished that my full recovery didn’t depend on other people and wish that my depression didn’t last half a year, but hey,those are experiences that I learn and grow from and it felt so good to finally be myself again!

           After the past year of being depressed and finally reviving, I decided that I needed to start doing something for myself. I needed to get back in the gym and get strong. I started to follow blogs of girls overcoming bad diets and in a year becoming NPC bikini competitors! This really inspired me to get up and get moving! I wanted to do something to change my body so that I could truly love it. Being an athlete I also missed being competitive and lifting! I contacted a previous coworker of mine (Jenn) who also competes in the bikini competitions and asked her for help, she was more than willing to help in anyway possible! Her and her boyfriend (who competes in strongman competitions) wrote me up a 14 lifting plan, one that would really start to change not only my strength but my mind as well for the better. Everyday I was inspired to push harder and get stronger. With all that training, I started thinking that I wanted to do something with this. I talked with Jenn and told her my training plan was coming to and end, and being the genus she is, she asked me if I ever thought of doing Strongwoman comps.

         So here I am now moving forward and training for a purpose, not just to get fit and be strong, but to become a Strongwoman competitor! I have many blogs that I have started, most were private, and the ones that I shared didn’t touch into anything personal. For the first time, I will make this public and share my journey. This blog is for me to keep track of my progress and to share with others as well! So there may be picture posts of progress pics so don’t be mean! 🙂 And if you have any questions or comments don’t hesitate! I’m and open minded person and love feedback! And this blog is NOT just for women! Its for everyone and anyone who enjoys what I’ll be sharing! 😉

 Check out my instagram for more frequent photo updates.

2 thoughts on “About

    • Thanks Jenn!! This is all thanks to you though!! For inspiring me and waking me up and to start pushing myself and get back into it but to get back ever harder! The workouts you and Rob have created for me really motivate me to keep going. You guys are awesome and have taught me sooo much over this short amount of time! I am forever thankful that you came into my life at Adidas and saved me and changed me for the better especially at a time when I needed it most!

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