Yoke/ squats.

As you can tell my titles are not creative. But that’s fine, I’m currently sitting in my ice bath while writing this so my creative juices are having a hard time flowing like they usually do.

Today I started off with yoke. 75% comp weight (390#) for 4 timed runs. I was very much shaking the rust off, and getting used to moving with my hips again. Yoke has been one of my favorite events, so I was rather thrilled to see it on the events list! I had a hunch it would since I see it as kind of a staple in the strongman world.

My runs didn’t feel too bad. My picks were a bit slow most definitley, and I know I can be faster. Iv gotten faster times in competitions, which makes sense. As much as I try and replicate  how fast I want to be in a competition during training, majority of the times it’s not going to happen. I have a completely different mindset in a competition. I’m no longer focusing on tiny details of which I want to fix. I can’t fix anything at a comp. I just have to go. Let my muscle memory and adrenaline take over. You get only one chance. One shot. Ever since my boyfriend put that mentality into my head, it stuck. That’s my only thought when I step up to an event now. “You get one shot Keeley, don’t hold back and make it the best shot.”

My times today for my runs were the following:

Set 1-7.99
Set 2-8.41
Set 3-7.66
Set 4-8.01

Right now, I’m not going to get stuck focusing on my times. I’m 10 weeks out, plenty of time to get faster, get stronger, and fine tune technique.

Along with yoke, I also had squats. During yoke my hip/upper thigh felt out of wack. I’m not exactly sure why, but I made sure to give it a good long stretch after training today. Along with my hip, my knee has been a persistent problem lately.

Sidenote: This isn’t me complaining about my injuries. Remember, I treat this blog as my very own training log. Things to look back on and see how my body and mind were feeling that day. Injuries, major or minor, are part of the process. I try and take care of my body as best as I can (I’ll be soon doing a blog post on recovery as well) and I’m not scared to share when things happen. I’m pretty sure no one is going to remember my Achilles heals and go all Tonya Harding on me. I don’t see myself as that big of a threat yet haha.

Back to squats. Because my knee wasn’t feeling too hot, squats were a struggle. I had 3×5 205# SSB squats with a 4 second pause in the hole. (A: if you watch the video, please don’t count my pauses lol B: Id like to thank the special cameo of Matt LaCroix).  But anyway, strongman has taught me to push past the pain and keep going. I knew it was nothing serious and knew I could keep going. I have a high pain tolerance from having very bad back problems in the past, so this minor knee pain wasn’t going to stop me from getting stronger today.

Tomorrow is log/ pressing day! Enjoy the videos and of course questions, comments, and concerns of all sorts are always welcome


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