FOOD. More Specifically- Pizza Bites

I like to consider myself a simple person… aka an easier and less offensive way of calling myself a boring grandma. My life tends to revolve around only a handful of things. Obviously lifting/ training being a main one, my faith, movies, my dog, annnnd FOOD.

I’m a grandma who likes her rest. I prefer Netflix and a couch, over a late night party. Do I like the beach? Yes! do I like taking long walks on the beach…? Maybe if theres going to be some sushi after that long walk, then sure.

I honestly used to go out all the time and party. But my life has drastically changed since two years ago. I don’t care if some consider me boring and call me a grandma because I choose to be in bed at early hours rather that at a bar on the weekends. I love how I live my life. I love training, and I love resting my body so that I can train even harder the next day.

But I’m getting carried away here from the important topic of the day…FOOD! Lets be real, who doesn’t love food??! Your not my friend if you don’t. And thats just sad, because I’m a pretty fun gal as I’v described above…

So if you love food, and you like easy recipes, heres one comin at ya! I had a craving for pizza the other day. And because I typically like to keep my “down and dirty” foods (aka anything  I consider a cheat food) for the weekends, I decided to throw together a healthier quick version of a bagel bite! I got a request for the recipe of this baby after snap chatting it!

-I use whole grain english muffins

-split them in half

-spoon some tomato sauce on them

-topped them with onions, sliced peppers, low fat cheese, chopped turkey pepperoni, some italian seasoning, and crushed red pepper

-threw it in the toaster oven

-BAM Pizza Bites

I’m gonna start getting more creative with these soon because they are sooooo easy, cheap,and great for pre training meal. I’m thinking a mexican and BBQ style Pizza bite soon.

Healthy Pizza Bites

Healthy Pizza Bites

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