
Today was a heavvvy Deadlift dayyy Heaviest Iv gone since injuring my shoulder a couple months ago (AC Joint sprain). It was one of those days where my mental focus had to be on point. One of those days where I knew I just had to get it done and not think twice about it.  It was also one of those days where I had to make sure to pee before each set…

My first set started off fine, weight felt good, form felt good, things were movin’ along 👌. Then as I kept reppin out, naturally my form started to break and I started playing the mind body game. Goes a little something like my mind yelling “stop acting like the old geriatric water aerobics grandma that you are and just get this shit done!” Then even though my body feels like collapsing, it usually just listens.

Anyway, I did around 87ish% of my comp weight with a trap bar for 4 sets max reps on a minutes time.

Set 1-12 reps (video in link above)

set 2&3- 10 reps

set 4- 13 reps

Set 2&3 were the worst. I was running down, form was breaking earlier is the sets than my first set and reps were becoming slower

set 4 I decided to just give it my all (not that I wasn’t for my other sets), but my motivation really kicked in on this set. I wanted more than 10 measley reps. I felt a kick of energy, anger, and aggression. Pulled out 13 which I felt good about.

I didn’t want to give up or give in. I like to make sure I finish strong. My mental focus is going to be so huge for me these next couple months. Mentally continue to push myself. Because as soon as your mind gives up, your body gives up. I was not built to give up.

I know there are girls training hard out there that I’ll have to come up against. But that’s not what I want to focus on. Right now I want to keep my focus on MY training. And not worry about anything outside of that.

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