Road to Nationals 2015

       Alright! Back in the blog game once and for all!! I have nationals coming up in about 10 weeks, and I really want to use my blog as my outlet for anything I want to vent out during this time, things I want to note, and just my overall experience of it! After all, that’s kinda what a blog is for right?

I mostly like to do these because I like to look back on them. See how much I’ve grown as an athlete and how much I’ve learned about myself. I was just reading over my post from April 2014 the night before my very first competition. I wrote my feelings as “being calm, yet very very nervous.” Well here I am over a year later, and I believe 7 competitions under my belt, and the nerves before a competition haven’t gone away! I guess some things don’t change 🙂

Last year after qualifying, I decided not to go to nationals. I checked over the weights of the events I was no wheres near ready. Would have been a good experience regardless? Well yeah, of course! And can you ever be truly ready for a strongman show? NO WAY! Things can change that very day that you won’t be ready for! Events can change, weights can change, the weather can change, you could forget your underwear!

But with that being said, to cough up the money to make that trip and (I’m not being negative just being honest) to zero probably all if not most the events (potentially getting hurt) was something I just didn’t feel up for. I was still working on building my strength and wanted to give it more time, instead of putting it through a big test that I knew it couldn’t handle just yet.

But here we are, a year later, stronger, more knowledgeable with this sport, more confident, but yet still will always be a complete nervous freak.

I have 10 weeks to prepare as best as I possibly can. I have a trainer who I’v been working with for about 9 months now who is busting his butt to help me get ready. I have my family, boyfriend, and friends who have been supporting me non stop this whole way. I have an amazing gym full of amazing people who have helped me so so much and I honestly can’t thank them enough!! I’m a competitive person, so naturally I go into every competition wanting to win. But even if I don’t win, going and competing with the strongest women in America will be so incredibly awesome in itself. But no doubt I’ll be doing everything I possibly can to my best. And this experience just brings me one step closer to my overall goal. Of one day being world’s strongest woman.

2 thoughts on “Road to Nationals 2015

  1. Hey girl! The May Queen was my first strongman competition, and I am hooked! I look forward to following your journey to Nationals, and hopefully getting there myself someday! Keep training hard and staying positive, you have all of your strong lady friends cheering you on! – Nicole

    • Thank you so much!! 😊😊 the support always means so much to me and just warms my heart. I love all you ladies!! Your definitley gonna get there, no doubt! Your a beast inside and out! (I didn’t even mean to rhyme there haha). But you keep working hard and keep beastin it and you’ll be at nationals before you know it! 💙

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