My New Year’s Resolution – To Get A Divorce

I LOVE this blog and LOVE this post!! I am so doing this. I used find myself too often checking my phone to see if I received a message or anything like that. But now a days with my head in the right place and my focus on me myself and I, I don’t need to keep checking out the outside world. I’m not saying I’m constantly attached to my phone, becuase I’m not. I now just keep it in another room during social gatherings or if I’m in someone else’s company at most times. It just feels nice to have my focus directly on the person I’m interacting with thats front of me, rather than trying to do that AND have another conversation at the same time with someone who could be 100 miles away. A: Just seems rude and B: How are you fully absorbing that moment with that physical person in front of you if your constantly checking your phone??

Last night I went to see the Spike Jonze film Her. First off, it was great! Beauuuuutifuly shot with great color, and portraying the overall emotion of Joaquin Phoenix’s character. But basically he begins to have a relationship with a computer operating system (mind you this film was set in more of a futuristic time period) where it’s almost like your talking on your phone the whole time and see the operating system can view the world through a little camera. Now in the beginning of the film you see Phoenix’s character with an earpiece in, and talking outloud to a voice activated computer system. Telling it to change the music option, check emails, write emails. Now to us, this in real like would look weird, and probably confuse me, thinking that someone would be talking outloud to me, when really it’s to their computer. But everyone in the film had one of these. It was like there was more computer interaction happening than human interaction. I honestly hope to never live in a world like that!!

And so for now, I choose to, for the majority, of my days keep my phone away….unless I’m listening to music at the gym ;-). But focus on what’s all around you! Store every little memory in detail that you can of what your physically doing! Instead of constantly staring at a little screen all day and not looking at this beautiful world around you.

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